For a dozen pancakes:

150g flour
20g cornstarch
200ml of vegetable milk
50 of vegetable yogurt
10g of vegetable oil
6g of yeast
2 nice carrots
1 onion
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
salt and pepper
2 vegetable yoghurt
juice of half a lemon
Fresh herbs

Chop the onion and fry it for a few minutes in a hot, lightly oiled pan. Add the brown sugar and cook for a few minutes until the onions caramelize. Deglaze with the cider vinegar.

Grate the carrots and set aside.

Mix the vegetable milk with the 50g of yogurt, the oil and the cider vinegar.

Then add the flour and the yeast little by little and mix to obtain a homogeneous preparation.

Add the grated carrots, the caramelized onions, the spices and the salt and pepper. Mix everything together.

Cook the pancakes in a lightly oiled, hot pan. Add a little batter and cook for a few moments until bubbles form on the surface.

Turn the pancake over and let it cook for a few moments. Do this until the batter is used up.

In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the lemon juice, chopped fresh herbs, salt and pepper.

Serve the pancakes with the yoghurt sauce as a topping.